Faith is the belief in God, which for me is Jesus...
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Belief in God

Faith is the belief in God, which for me is Jesus Christ as the embodiment of God our heavenly Father in human form. I am Christian, but I believe in a personal relationship with God more than in just a religion. I believe Jesus Christ was God and he can to show us through His life how we are to model ours, what truth is and also how through His own sacrifice at the Cross we can now have an individual relationship with our loving Creator. I think of all the blessings I've had along the journey of my life and how far He's brought me by giving me the hope and courage to keep going when it was tough to persevere.


I think about: "how does someone like me who started school in a two room school house and eventually quit college my junior year end up in an abundant place of a luxury life-style that most wouldn't dream of?" I know God has helped me tremendously and that's why I have no problem giving Him the glory for his grace and guidance. Now the gratitude I feel leads me to try and continue improving every day, not to earn God's love... but because He's always loved me and will continue to do so. I forgive quickly, I try to give to others generously and love others as best as I know how. My desire is to dedicate the remainder of my life to serve God and that hopefully through all the good I'm able to do they'll see His face and not mine.

My desire is to dedicate the remainder of my life to serve God
And that hopefully through all the good I'm able to do they'll see His face and not mine
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